5 Easy-Care Indoor Plants!

Not all plants require full sunlight, daily watering, weekly pruning or heavy maintenance at all! Some, just like the ones listed in this article are able to grow indoors with little, to no maintenance. This makes them perfect plants for the modern nomad who wants to spruce up their living space (and make it Instagram-worthy), without breaking a sweat!


Secret Garden, $119.90 (w/GST $128.29)


Say it, say Peperomia fast 5 times! A plant from the peppercorn family, Peperomias are available in a wide variety of colors and patterns. They have distinct thick and waxy leaves which help them retain water better, similar but not to be mistaken for the Succulent.

Care Instructions: Water once every 10 days, place in an area that has low light, and fertilize every other month (for dosage, check the instructions given on the fertilizer packaging).


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Quaint Gardens, $49.90 (w/GST $54.48)

Peace Lily

Also known as the Spathiphyllum, the Peace Lily has smooth white spathes, a barbed-looking spadix and lush forest green leaves. At first glance they resemble the beautiful Anthurium. To tell the two apart, look at the spathe, the Peace Lily has a smaller spathe in relation to its barbed-looking spadix.

So what makes the Peace Lily standout from the rest? A recent study done by NASA has shown that Peace Lilies are nature’s air-purifiers, which help remove unpleasant odours and harmful substances like ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Pet owners please note, the Peace Lily is poisonous to our furry friends.

Care Instructions: Water once every 10 days or when the soil is dry, place in an area that has medium to low light, and fertilize every other month (for dosage, check the instructions given on the fertilizer packaging).


Garden Escape, $29.90 (w/GST $31.99)


Also known as the Nerve Plant due to the pattern on its leaves, these are hardy plants that can survive through just about everything. Forgot to water them for a week and their leaves start drooping? No problem, just water them as soon as you can and within a couple of hours, their leaves should go back to normal. Available in a variety of colors that range from red to dark green and white veined, Fittonias make for good introductory and terrarium plants.

Care Instructions: Water once a week, place in an area that has medium to low light and fertilize when needed (for dosage, check the instructions given on the fertilizer packaging).


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Adorable Serenity, $49.90 (w/GST $53.39)

English Ivy

A climbing plant that will grow however high or long you want it to, the English Ivy also goes by the name, Hedra Helix. It has distinct small leaves that resembles maple leaves, but in green. Like the Peace Lily, the English Ivy has been listed by NASA as a natural air-purifier that filters enzene, formaldehyde, tricholorethylene, xylene, and toluene out of the air. Pet owners please note, the English Ivy is poisonous to our furry friends.

Care Instructions: Water only when the soil in dry, place near a window or an area that has medium to low light, and fertilize once every other month (for dosage, check the instructions given on the fertilizer packaging).


Succulent Oasis, $54.90 (w/GST $58.74)


A plant that divides plant enthusiasts, many either grow them or are unable to, but it is not due to neglect but the exact opposite! The secret to keeping Succulents is to do the bare minimum.

If you have bought it from a nursery or got one as it gift, it would come potted in a nice container with fresh and damp soil. This alone should provide enough nutrients last the Succulent for a couple of weeks. To check if it needs watering, simply poke your finger an inch into the soil. Take note of the succulent’s leaves as well, if they start to droop or spread out, place it outdoors at an area where they can get indirect sunlight for two or three days.

Care Instructions: Less is more. When it doubt, do not do anything. Only if you have to, water once every two weeks, place your Succulent in a warm area that has medium to low light, and fertilize once every 3 to 6 months (for dosage, check the instructions given on the fertilizer packaging). For more detailed succulent care tips, read on here.


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